2017 Russian HG Open Championship | Открытый Чемпионат России по дельтапланерному спорту 2017 г.
2017 Russian HG Open Championship will be held on August 26 to September 03 flying site Ushkonyr, Kazakhstan.
The event is sanctioned by http://www.fai.org/events/events-calendar-and-results?id=34877&EventCalendarId=12153#fragment-1
Flying site Ushkonyr is located 40km from the big city Almaty in the mountains of Trans-Ili Alatau. There is a paved asphalt road from the Ushkonyr village to the start site and a small segment of about 50 meters of dirt road.
Getting to start takes about 50 minutes from inexpensive hotel Keleshek, usual place of residence during the competition.
On the northern edge of the plateau there is a large spacious area, accommodating a large number of hang gliders and allowing to start in several rows. Earthen slopes are covered with grass, the steepness is 35-45°.
Take off Ushkonyr - 1960 m ASL 43.126697, 76.467904
Exposure North, it is possible to start to the West and East.
Direction and strength of wind: N, NW, NE, 1-5 m / s, rarely up to 10 m / s.
Shuttle flights: along the mountains to the W and E, to the valley in the NW and NE direction.
The lower limit of clouds - 3000-4000 m, thermals +4 mps, record flight of this area of about 150 km
Averaged valley altitude in the vicinity of the plateau Ushkonyr - 900 m ASL The relative height difference between the start and landing sites ranges from 800 - 1000 m.
- Landing field 1: 43.179094, 76.513215;
- Landing field 2: 43.163194, 76.379937;
- Landing field 3: 43.168318, 76.459322
Within the flight area there are a lot of landing sites between small villages, well-developed road infrastructure. Along the roads there are located power lines, somewhere high-voltage. There are also shelterbelts between agricultural fields and shallow gullies.
Открытый Чемпионат России по дельтапланерному спорту состоится в период с 26 августа по 3 сентября 2017 г., на дельтадроме Уш-Коныр, Алматинская обл.
Зарегистрироваться на Чемпионат можно тут - https://airtribune.com/russia2017/info
Календарь ФАИ - http://www.fai.org/events/events-calendar-and-results?id=34877&EventCalendarId=12153#fragment-1
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